Tuesday 10 October 2017

Seven Principles

1) Domain of the symbolic

2) Local or positional
- structure of interrelated positions
- roles constantly change

3) Difference
- pattern
- discrepancy
- the border between them
- things that are different get our attention

4)  Symbolic
- 'structure are not real but not actual'
- 'ideal but abstract'
- structure can give things values e.g wedding ring - symbol of a life commitment

5) Difference
- different structures and different systems interact, contain, overall and reflect each other.

6) Structures can be dynamic and constantly evolve.
- a code is an institutionally stabilised structure.
- empty position that keeps relocating can drive narratives

7) Humans interact with the structure and constantly reorganise.
- subjects are 'intersubjective', they constantly reorganise their universe, which in turn constantly redefines them.

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