Friday 13 October 2017

Judith Butler's Theory

Judith Butler
- most known for her book gender trouble
- which develops the theory of gender performativity 
What is gender? 
- a {set of expectations} that society defines for you. 
- that woman and men are supposed to act and walk and dress a certain way. 
- society assumes that gender roles like these. 

As a result of biology there is an assumption that if you are born female you will be a woman and you will be attracted to men. 

But is gender really neutral? 
- Butler say 'no'
- "gender is the repeated stylisation of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance". 
- she believes gender roles are constructed by society. 
- masculinity and femininity are not inherent. 
- it is excepted and compelled to act like its gender. 

Gender is a cultural meaning we attach to our biological sex which isn't true. 
It is just that culture coerces you to conduct that gender performance. 

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