Wednesday 18 October 2017

Jessica Ennis - Representation


Jessica Ennis is represented differently in both magazine covers. In the GQ Olympics magazine Ennis is shown wearing a red blazer and overall just looks very fashionable. This makes her look like a business woman as the suit connotes work. However, in the Marie Claire magazine Ennis is wearing a more obvious athletic suit while holding the UK flag. That fact that she is wearing an athletic suit suggests that she competes in a sporting activity. The UK flag shows that Ennis supports her country and the smile on her face could also link to the fact that she is happy about where she is from and is proud of it. This is a contrast in the costume she is wearing. For example, on the Olympic magazine you would except her to wear something that emphasises her love for the Olympics. Marie Claire is more of a fashionable, beauty and heavily dominated by a female audience but she's shown in a medium shot wearing her athletic suit. In the Olympic magazine she looks very serious and could connote her determination in an attempt to win gold. This is backed up with evidence as one of the cover lines states ' Jessica Ennis has gold and glory in her sights'. From the facial expression on Ennis' face on the Marie Claire advert we can see she is happy however there is a negative pull quote suggesting otherwise 'I've tasted second and I don't like it'. This pull quote would have been more appropriate in the GQ magazine as she is shown as determined.                                 

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