Monday 30 October 2017

Representation of woman

1) In the first advert we see a woman washing her body with soap. The cover lines tell us that ' because you're a woman, you want a soap that can promise'.. and it goes on to use words such as kindness and freshness. We can see that because she is focusing on washing her body we notice that she's not in a state to make sensible and suitable decisions or important decisions. In the second advert we can see that she is putting on make-up, again emphasising that she is more worried and focused on making herself look more pretty and presentable for her husband or partner. This again reinforces the fact that woman can't make important decisions. One could argue that she could be looked at as someone who makes important decisions due to her costume. She looks very formal as she looks like she's wearing a blazer. Because she's wearing formal clothing it suggests that she could be in a powerful position. However, due to the context of the advert and the time that the advert was released it was extremely unlikely for a woman to have a powerful position in a job let alone a job at all.

2) In this advert the main image is the main focal point in this advert. In the extreme close up we can see the woman putting on make up. Again, this reinforces the point that she's just trying to look pretty for her partner. This supports van Zoonen's notion that woman are objects to be looked at in western patriarchal society. The colour pink is also extremely noticeable in this advert which reinforces femininity. The fact that she is smiling suggests that she is happy about making herself look presentable for her partner. This supports the idea that woman are dependent on men for acceptance and protection. They attempt to make the husband happy for themselves to also be happy. Her jewellery further reinforces her femininity. This idea of looking presentable is evident through the use of cover lines for example, 'what a way to glow!'. Also, the copy also states 'see your face come alive with 'instant health'!' which further develops my point. Because of the fact that she's putting on make-up represents the fact that she does not make important decisions. The facial expression backs up this point as she looks like she's enjoying putting make-up on.

3) In this advert we can see a woman with a baby. The woman is making direct eye contact with baby which is evident as she's looking down at the baby representing the fact that the baby is much smaller. The woman is also happy suggesting that she's enjoying spending time the baby or her bay, child. The baby also is shown in a medium shot smiling which could suggest that she likes the woman's or her mother's company. This supports the first point that the woman's place is at home as she's presented as the mother as possibly wife, taking into account the context in which this advert was released. The fact that she is shown at home represents the notion that woman don't make important decisions. Also, the woman knows that the man is working which makes her job to look after the home and the family. Because of this it shows that she is dependent on the man for acceptance and protection. The woman has make-up on her face representing that she's trying to look pretty and presentable for the partner. This supports van Zoonen's notion that woman are objects to be looked at in western patriarchal society.

1 comment:

  1. 2nd: Well linked back to Van Zoonen's theory, and did well in noticing the use of stereotypes in the presence of the colour pink and also the woman's costume, in that she wore jewellery. Good use of terminology with 'patriarchal society' however other than this there is not much terminology used.
    3rd: Good analysis, however could expand a lot more on points and go into further detail. Again Van Zoonen's theory is used, however this is the only theory that is touched upon, and the same point is made twice. Next time comment on other theories aswell


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