Friday 13 October 2017

Magazine Analysis of Front Covers

- the image is positioned in the middle of the magazine.
- the headline is very clear at the top of the magazine in the middle. It's the biggest text shown on the magazine cover.
- the cover lines are also very clear on the side of the magazine.

- the masthead is positioned at the top to appeal to the audience.

Cover lines
- quote - interpreted in different way due to the context of feminism.

- high key lighting
  - joy, happiness and attracts the audience.
- colour (pink) represents femininity - attracts the target audience.
- facial expression - smiling - suggests she's happy.

Font size - big - clear to the audience.

Communicate messages - woman should be improving the kitchen.
Context - patriarchy was a main social issue in the 60s. - woman were seen as inferior to men.
Brand identity - targeted at females mainly though the use of a woman in the main image.
The title 'woman' attracts their target audience of woman.

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