Wednesday 15 November 2017

Tide Advert Set Text

The 'Tide' advert stresses the idea that woman are so focused on cleaning supplies like 'Tide' through the successful use of superlatives like 'cleanest' and indirect mode of address which emphasises her love and obsession with the product. The 1940s advert similarly shows the woman concentrated on her work which appears to be showing the woman making clothes which is apparent in a close up. This represents the context of the time. Woman at the time were mainly viewed as objects which supports van Zoonen's notion that woman are viewed as objects in western patriarchal society. It was the norm for woman to stay at home and to watch the children. They never or rarely ever worked and earned money which was part of the reason that woman stayed at home. Also, men were much more dominant than woman in the 1940s which prevented women from having say because man controlled everything and had more power over woman.

Both adverts present this idea that woman have to help. In the 'Tide' advert we see the use of a comic strip showing the woman hanging male clothes up to dry. This is evident as she is shown holding shirts in her hands. In the 1940s advert, the copy states 'The soldiers need our help!'. The soldiers were all men so it presents the idea that woman in both adverts were helping the men complete their jobs. So, instead of the men working in the factories now the woman have taken over doing that job as the men go to the war.

Public sphere 
Telling woman to finally be useful for something important
Part of a community
Enjoyment in the home
Promotion capitalism 
Domestic products, making life for them easier

- aspirational
- 'living the American dream' 

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