Wednesday 29 November 2017

Compare and Contrast the Representation of the Third World

Following media forms:
- Band Aid 'Do They Know it's Christmas'
- Oxfam Advert  
- 'Beast of No Nation' 

The oxfam advert focuses on showing the ripple effect that small regular donations can have on a whole community. 'Beast of No Nation' addresses the social issues presented in the movie of child soldiering. Band Aid presents the idea of Christmas bringing a community together. 

The Oxfam advert shows the audience the struggles that some people have to deal with and what has already been done. They repeat the benefits that have come from small donations like the well that is mentioned frequently. The advert uses the shot of a woman collecting a bucket of water from the well using a low angle shot. The voiceover consistently says "this is the well Oxfam have built thanks to two pounds a month from someone like you, during the shot. The advert is telling us that we have already made a difference because before that, the people didn't have clean water to drink from or to clean themselves. There are several sections showing the audience what small donations have brought to these people with a lower quality of life. They emphasise the important on agriculture, growing crops for food which links back to the well from the water. Their whole message links back to the idea of us giving small donations can help change lives forever. They emphasise that without the donations they would be extremely more vulnerable. If the people didn't have the different elements that contributed to the advert like agriculture and school then we could understand the position they would of been in.

The movie 'Beast of No Nation' reinforces the stereotype of African people as animalistic. 'Beast of No Nation' doesn't seem to be intentionally promoting negative stereotypes but instead attempting to raise awareness about different important social issues going on in the movie involving the children. It draws attention to social issues like making child soldiers to fight for the rebels. They portray Africans as the source of their own problems and conflict. The soliders or the rebel group are represented as violent, this is apparent as they are shown being violent towards each other as many scenes show the rebels getting into physical altercations and they are also shown holding guns and using them against their enemies.

Band Aid 'Do They Know it's Christmas' music video show the true struggles of people, who are starving, living in Africa. They use a handheld shot to show a child crawling on the hard ground. They use many pans, usually quite slow, to show what the children have to go through with no food and little water. The music video tries to emphasise that these children have no food through the use of close-ups to put more detail into their faces and their bodies. They do this to show how little they are eating. At the end, they show an image of what looks like a young child being wrapped up in a fabric to show they he has died. The on-screen text then follows up and says 'The dying continues... so the giving can't stop.

All of these adverts are very similar and successfully attempt to put forward an important message that people all around the world need help. 

1 comment:

  1. Do they know its Christmas?
    www: Great detail on how the advert has shown audiences how some african countries are struggling to feed their people and the sickness and poverty they are facing day to day.
    EBI: Needed more terminology
    Oxfam Advert
    www: detailed response that examines how they show audiences how badly affected some countries are by poverty
    Beasts of no Nations:
    www: excellent response by evaluating the message the movie portrays to audiences


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