Wednesday 15 November 2017

Tide Advert - Applying Theories

David Gauntlett's theory of identity 

Woman represented in the advert as role models of domestic perfection. The woman were being targeted by cleaning products or domestic products for advertising  because it was presented that domestic products would make a woman's life easier. This links to the use of the indirect mode of address which shows the woman being obsessed with the product. The hearts also signify her love for the product. Because the woman in the advert is represented in this way she is being a role model for other woman to also act in this way. 

bell hook's feminist theory 

hook's argues that lighter woman are considered more desirable and fit better into the western ideology of beauty, and the advert could be seen to reinforce this by only representing "modern", white woman. This is evident in the 'Tide' advert as a lighter woman is used as the main image which is shown in a close up. 

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