Wednesday 8 November 2017

Role Model magazine

Main messages communicated:
- questioning his 'role model' status
- motivational, challenging question 
  - reflects his work ethic 
- trying to become a better person 
  - cover lines 'Would I still be your hero?'
  - it also mentions self-confidence 
    - could reflect his self-confidence in his sport (Nike advert) 

‘role models serve as navigation points as individuals steer their own personal routes through life’.
I agree with this quote made by Gauntlet. The main reason people have role models is because they are seen as motivational. People being motivated can change/steer a person's life in a different way simply because they have changed their mindset and lifestyle in order to be like or do stuff similar to their role model. Some people will disagree because they might think that role models don't change you as a person they just make you look at them differently. 

1 comment:

  1. Some understanding of the theory applied here. But Gauntlett's take on role model's being navigation points means something different.

    Can you explain how a role model might offer a 'navigation point' to audiences in constructing their own ideas about identity?


Creating a Question Paper