Monday 8 January 2018

Christmas Homework

How are representations of the young Kurdish women constructed? 

The young Kurdish women are being represented as extremely brave and strong in their own way. It is clear that these young Kurdish women are fed up and have had enough for being part of a patriarchal society, "We live in a world... dominated by men". These women want to see an immediate change to the society because they are clearly against the society they live in. They are speaking to be heard so a change can happen. There main purpose is to fight, not only for their freedom but everyone. These women are very confident in what they believe in and they will make it their mission to win a war against ISIS and the people who run their country. They also mention being inspired and motivated by previous female fighter, martys who have killed people to fight for what they believe in.

How do these representations reflect the industry context/ideology of Huck?

The ideologies of Huck and the representations created about these young Kurdish women and very similar in terms of what the magazine Huck provides and tries to put forward to their readers. The young women are fighting for equal rights and Huck believe truly in women having equal rights and that these women ( as mentioned before ) shouldn't be forced to live in a world ( a patriarchal one ), they support the idea of women being independent. The fact that Huck is so up to date with modern day conversations occuring in the world suggests they have a duty to allows their readers to also being updated with the current news and shows that Huck really puts an effort in to advise and interest their readers.

How is the audience positioned in relation to these representations?

The audience because of Huck and its somewhat big audience will be in favour of the young Kurdish women simply because Huck are in favour of them. Their messages will demonstrate a clear support towards the young women attracting the reader to also feel that way. The audience could also feel sympathy for these young girls, just because they know these women have to fight for something that could be avoided so easily. The stories mentioned will allow Huck's audience to again feel sorry for these women, as mentioned in the article about the girl who lost a friend. However, she does later mention that those experiences motivate them and inspire them to better everyone else's well-being.

How can bell hook' ideas be applied to the issues that are being discussed in this article?

The theory concerning bell hooks can be applied to the issues that are being discussed in this article in several ways. One example of this is the whole reason and purpose of the young women' actions, to end the patriarchal society that they live in and to end sexism as a whole. This idea can the used to the bell hooks' theory as people who are discriminated because of different factors which can not be acceptable because equal rights should be available to everyone, everywhere. bell hooks' is very pro-feminism and also supports the opinions of these young Kurdish women 'the idea that feminism is a struggle to end sexism, and patriarchal oppression and the ideology of domination'. The statement used by bell hook' can be applied to the young Kurdish women because they believe that women should have more important roles in society other then just being a mother or just staying in the house which is what patriarchy is all about, this society doesn't allow for women to have the same rights as men which is why they find men dominating their lives.

How far are the same stereotypes evident in other key articles from the historical magazines you have studied? 

The Tide adverts show women doing house work, and made looking presentable for their man. This is an example of what the patriarchal society was like and how it is like for these young Kurdish women.

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