Wednesday 18 April 2018

Music Video PP - Goodwin's theory

There is a long shot showing Beyonce sitting on a police car. Half of the police car is in water. This is an example of Andrew Goodwin's theory that 'there is often intertextual reference'. Beyonce is bringing awareness to the New Orleans floods which were caused by hurricane Katrina. There is a use of a zoom out showing Beyonce dancing. She is in the middle of a group of dancers and she is wearing a revealing outfit which refers to the construction of a strong, powerful figure. This supports Andrew Goodwin's notion that 'the relationship between music and visuals. Many times throughout the music video, Beyonce is shown in a powerful stance. In another zoom out, Beyonce is making direct eye contact with the audience. This is a concept music video. The idea of empowerment is evident because of her powerful stance. This construction of Beyonce's persona is used to cultivate her to sell records and to gain fans.

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