2)How did this man change advertising? Applied Freudian psychoanalysis to advertising
3)How did products and consumer's attitudes to products change? Less about utility and more about a symbol representing one's identity.
4)What did Mazer say about his goals for transforming consumer society? People must be trained to desire.
5)What role did TV and radio have in this process? Saturation through advertising messages and false problems.
6)What was the sexual revolution? A big change in social norms.
7) Which groups were particularly affected by the sexual revolution? Women, couples.
8) What social factors are believed to have brought on the sexual revolution? Civil rights and anti war movements, questioning of authority.
9)What is the sexual double standard? A sexual code that permits promiscuity for men, but not for women.
10)How is the sexual revolution evident today? Sexual education.
11) Other than the pill what is one other primary cause put forward by Andrew Francis as to what launched sexual revolution.
12)What is meant by the term counter-culture? When the society rebelled against the mainstream or dominant culture of the time in terms of music fashion and other trends.
13)Where did the cultural revolution start? Berkley University.
14)According to the video who were the first group involved, and what was a major factor in getting them to become involved? Berkley students- who were educated by their lectures to stand up for what is right and to question authority.
15)What role did the war have in the revolution? First war televised.
16)Symbol of rebellion? Rock.
17) What is the most well-known musical event associated with the cultural revolution in the USA? Woodstock.
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