Sunday 24 September 2017

IT Trailer

The IT trailer begins with a scene between two brothers. In this scene we see both brothers making a paper boat and the scene ends with them hugging. Jump cuts are used in this scene to show different events happening between the two characters. Dissolve is then used to act as a transition of the young boy running out of his house, into the rain, to play with his paper boat. Different aerial shots and medium shots are used in between the jump cuts showing the young boy placing his boat on the water and him running after it. Non-diegetic sound is used in the background of the events going on. The music increases in volume in anticipation of the young boy hitting his head on wooden hurdle. Just before the boy hits his head, we see the use of eye line match to show the viewer what the character is seeing. After, we see the use of a track when the camera is following the boat on the stream of water. A jump cut is used to cut from the scene of the boy getting up from his fall to the boat flowing away. A shot reverse shot is used to show the boat flowing away, then to the boy running after the boat and back to the boat. A lot of dissolve is used to increase the tension in the trailer which links in with the style of genre of the movie, horror. Dissolve also creates a mysterious atmosphere, this is shown in the last scene of the trailer when the clowns slowly appears out of the water. There is also a huge use of fade to create a mysterious atmosphere to compliment the genre of the film. Because of the forced connection to increase the mystery gives the impression that in this movie there will be a lot of unanswered questions. Finally, quick cuts and short takes are used when they show flashes of the clown jumping out towards the screen. This is effective because the quick cuts create 'jump scares' for the audience which is what excites the audience and what keeps them interested.

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